
Welcome to my blog. Most of what appears here will be my personal reflections on the years I spent as a police officer as well as some general observations about life. Hope you enjoy what you find here. If you would like to be updated when I post new material please consider subscribing at the link at the bottom of the page. Thanks for reading.

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Growing Pains

I keep a picture on my nightstand, the centerpiece of what my wife half-jokingly refers to as my “shrine” to my son. It was taken on our first family vacation to Florida when he was only five years old. We are standing facing the water, the sun setting in the background over the Gulf of…

Deadly Force

I was 23 the first time I almost shot another human being. I and a fellow rookie officer had responded to a bland suburban neighborhood for a “welfare check” on a middle-aged woman who lived alone on a quiet residential street. Her mental health struggles were well known in the neighborhood and to many from…

Be Kind

Arriving at the battered trailer home, I wasn’t expecting much. Domestic calls were routine in this mobile home park, and the caller, a downtrodden looking woman about 35 years of age, had requested assistance getting her boyfriend and his brother to leave the trailer after they had all started arguing about the boyfriend’s drinking. “They’re…

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